Chaos is Creativity

Theyve told us the rules.

Fall in line. Play it safe.

Theres a place for everything.

And everyone has a place.


Success must have a formula.

Find it, and repeat it.

Over and over and over again.

But in this order-obsessed world,

creativity cannot breathe,

and innovation dies.

That’s why we chase chaos

And trade logic for magic.

Chaos challenges us to find new inspiration.

And rejects the user manual of this-is-how-it-has-always-been-done.

Do your own thing, it says.

Find your own place.

Chaos has its own mess and methods, The source of light-bulbs and bright ideas. Crazy experiments and accidental genius.

The world will always demand order,

But creativity craves chaos.


At Layers, we believe Chaos is a superpower. It helps you break out of moulds, do your own thing, find your own place.

Without chaos there would be no innovation. Without chaos there would be no new ideas of greatness.

Chaos unsettles those who can’t deal with it. We chase it.

Neel & Shlok,
Co-founders of Layers